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Zend Developer Zone:
PHP Security Tip #19 (Securing Your Connection)
Mar 29, 2007 @ 17:36:00

The Zend Developer Zone has posted their latest security tip today - this time dealing with the actual connection your application sits on (from Chris Hartjes).

The most secure application is one with no connection to the outside world.

As we've covered, you can't really disconnect the network from your web server if you are building web applications. You can however, carefully consider which servers need to be connected to the outside world and which can be inside your firewall. Beyond that, you can also evaluate how those servers that have to remain outside your firewall communicate with the ones inside.

No, his suggestion is not to take your application "off the grip" but more to limit access to things like database servers to help protect the data that lives inside it.

tagged: securitytip application secure outside database firewall server securitytip application secure outside database firewall server


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