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Zend Developer Zone:
PHP Quebec Conference Summary
Mar 26, 2007 @ 15:44:00

For those that weren't able to make it to this year's PHP Quebec conference, Cal Evans of the Zend Developer Zone has posted daily summaries to get you caught up.

The first day's post covers the usual - what the conference is like, the meeting area, some of the people he met up with, and the sessions he attended (including a mention of Rob Richards' "SOA: Beyond the Hype" talk.

The second day's post is jammed with more information about the conference, including all of the great talks he attended, including:

  • Mike Potter's "Rich Internet application development with Flex"
  • John Coggeshall's "Top PECL Picks"
  • Graham Charters' "Service Component Architecture"

tagged: phpquebec2007 summary day1 day2 talks phpquebec2007 summary day1 day2 talks


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