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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Distributed Testing with PHPUnit 3.1
Feb 22, 2007 @ 18:14:00

In his latest post, Sebastian Bergmann spotlights another new feature of the upcoming PHPUnit release - distributed testing.

One of the new features in the upcoming PHPUnit 3.1 release is the support for distributed testing through the ability to log test result and code coverage data to a database. This way, the same test suite can be run on different platforms with the results being aggregated in the database. For this to work, however, we need a key in the database that identifies test runs from different machines as being related. A Subversion revision number is a perfect candidate for this.

He includes a sample script that helps with the storage of the results in the database by grabbing a unique id for the machine pushing the updates in.

tagged: phpunit distributed testing unittest subversion checkout unique database phpunit distributed testing unittest subversion checkout unique database


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