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Windows Skills Blog:
Using SQLite as a database backend for a lightweight server
Feb 07, 2007 @ 15:10:00

On the Windows Skills blog, there's a new post that talks about the use of a SQLite database (via PHP) to handle the assault that Digg.com can dish out to a popular webiste.

Physical memory was limited and Apache and MySQL soon started to fight for every remaining byte and eventually the page was unavailable. After this experience I started to look for a alternative for the database storage and I found an interesting one: SQLite.

He mentions some of the features the database has including zero-configuration, a simple API, and the portability of having a single database in a single file. The next step was getting it to work with his Apache/PHP5 installation and to run some statistics on it. The results show SQLite pulling ahead of MySQL (INNODB) by a bit and MySQL (MYISAM) by a good bit.

tagged: sqlite windows database php5 benchmark statistic graph sqlite windows database php5 benchmark statistic graph


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