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Alexander Netkachev's Blog:
Controller/Action versus Folder/Page
Feb 06, 2007 @ 13:36:00

On his blog today, Alexander Netkachev illustrates a concept behind the "different thought" frameworks like the Zend Framework spin on the idea of web applications.

Web site developers are familiar with a concept that a site consists of pages but Zend Framework proposes Controller/Action idea. Undoubtedly, Controller/Action is cool but how is it relevant to real world tasks? In other words, how is Controller/Action connected to the standard form flow?

His diagram shows the typical flow of an application and, below it, a sample PHP page that would handle the form results for such a layout. His question is what the Controller/Action method has over this typical format, and whether or not it just serves to make things more complex.

tagged: zendframework controller action page versus method zendframework controller action page versus method


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