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International PHP Magazine:
IPM Poll Question: Benefits of phpbb SEO Master Include?
Jan 16, 2007 @ 13:37:00

The International PHP Magazine has posted the results from the latest poll on their site. This time, it asked visitors to vote on which of the five options they thought was the best advantage that the phpbb SEO Master had to offer.

The option, 'All' has won hands-down with a majority of 20.6%. A contradicting result is seen as next to 'All' is the option 'None' with 12.7% votes. The third position goes to 'easy install and works with your existing board' as it has garnered 4.8% votes. The last on the list is 'topic URLS are dynamically converted to SEO friendly addresses' which has got a dismal 0.0%.

Be sure to check out this week's poll too - it asks for votes on which of the options is the most important feature of PHP 5. Options include "Better error handling", "Newer useful functions", and "Best OOP support period".

tagged: poll question phpbb seo master benefit php5 important feature poll question phpbb seo master benefit php5 important feature


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