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Building Apache with PHP,MySQL, OCI8 instant client support
Jan 03, 2007 @ 13:41:00

The HowToForge has posted a new tutorial that will guide you through the installation of a server with Apache, PHP, MySQL, and OCI8 Instant Client support.

There are many howtos on building Apache with PHP, MYSQL support, but it is very rare to find some document on OCI8 support with Apache Build [...] I was searching some installation document, there are few documents , but most of them are using either RPM version of packages or they are missing some of the essential steps.

He starts with his platform (IBM x system x86_64 bit server with RHEL 4 Update Level 4) and grabs the parts first - the instant client, then Apache, then PHP. MySQL is already installed on the machine and is included in the PHP build via the configure call. They provide all of the shell commands you'll need to get things working as well as any changes that might need to be made to the configuration files in the process.

tagged: build apache mysql oci8 instant client support build apache mysql oci8 instant client support


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