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Edin Kadribasic's Blog:
PECL4WIN Build Box Dead
Nov 14, 2006 @ 22:38:00

Some unfortunate news from Edin Kadribasic to be felt particularly by the Windows PHP users out there - the box that hosts the PECL packages for Windows has suffered a bit from a power failure.

The power failures are very rare in Denmark, but nonetheless this one managed to take out the build box. The website itself is not affected, but there are no updates for the time being.

The PECL4WIN project hosts a repository of PECL extensions precompiled for the Windows platform. The packaging and distribution system used by PECL is shared with its sister, PEAR.

UPDATE (11.15.2006) - The box is back up and working at 100% again (faulty memory was to blame). A new build has already been created.

tagged: pecl4win box machine power failure downtime update pecl4win box machine power failure downtime update


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