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Community News:
Registration Reminder for D.C. PHP Conference 2006
Oct 06, 2006 @ 15:44:38

The coordinators for this year's DC PHP Conference have submitted a reminder for developers out there looking to attend:

Registration is still open for the 2006 D.C. PHP Conference.

Great speakers: Rasmus Lerdorf (who got the PHP project off the ground in 1995), Chris Shiflett, Adam Trachtenberg, Laura Thomson, David Recordon, Elliot White III, Mike Naberezny, Will Fitch, Ben Ramsey, Tony Bibbs, Brian Ashe, Shen Guo and Bram Vogelaar.

Our L'Enfant Plaza Hotel venue is walking distance from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, the Air and Space Museum and the new American Indian Museum.

To get the full details or to just sign up right away, head over to the main conference site and get all the details. Pricing starts at $695 USD ($400 for students) and includes two days jam packed with PHP goodness.

tagged: dcphpcon2006 registration reminder speakers hotel dcphpcon2006 registration reminder speakers hotel


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