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Pagination of Results on a Web Page
Oct 04, 2006 @ 21:17:00

PHPBuilder.com has another in their series of excerpts from the Sams Publishing book "PHP 5 in Practice" today - a look at paginating results on a website.

When creating browse or search functionality on a website, you many find that you end up with more data than the page can easily display at once. In these situations it makes for a better user experience to give users only a certain number of results and then present them with options to see the next and/or previous pages.

The code listing is slightly complex, but it does provide a good, clear look at how to paginate the values in an array. They also explain a bit about the two functions that make it possible - http_build_ query and array_chunk.

tagged: php5 practice book excerpt pagination results php5 practice book excerpt pagination results


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