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Hardened-PHP Project:
Advisory - PHProjekt (Remote) Include Vulnerabilities
Sep 29, 2006 @ 15:01:00

The Hardened-PHP Project has released a new vulnerability for the PHProjekt groupware software.

While searching for applications that are vulnerable to a new class of vulnerabilities inside PHP applications we took a quick look into the current PHProjekt source code and discovered that a (remote) include vulnerability had been (re)introduced.

By overwriting a variable with user input it is possible to inject and execute arbitrary PHP code. Overwriting this variable is possible regardless of the register_globals setting.

They give a few more details further down the posting and note that users should download and install the latest version (at the time of this post, 5.1.2).

tagged: advisory security phprojekt include vulnerability advisory security phprojekt include vulnerability


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