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Sara Golemon's Blog:
PHP6: News from the front...
Sep 26, 2006 @ 12:16:58

Sara Golemon brings us some news from the front about PHP6 in her latest blog entry today.

While everyone else has been busily gearing up for the release of PHP 5.2 and the new features that are going to come with it, Andrei and his small band of merry babelonians (yours truly included) have been making inroads on preparing PHP6 for a preview release. In the past week we've managed to roughly double the number of builtin functions (those which are part of the main distribution) that have been reviewed for unicode safety, either flagging them as good or upgrading their functionality

She also talks about what kinds of functions this entailed and how far along they are total (around 22%). She also encourages anyone that wants to get involved to help to jump right in.

tagged: news php6 conversion unicode function news php6 conversion unicode function


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