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Alison Holloway's Blog:
New Zend Core for Oracle Released
Sep 20, 2006 @ 11:53:35

Alison Holloway has announced that there's a new version of the Zend Core for Oracle out on the streets and can be downloaded here.

Zend have just released a new version of Zend Core for Oracle, the prebuilt stack of Oracle Instant Client, Apache and PHP. It's version 1.5 and now has an optional installation of Apache 2.0.59. It used to automatically install Apache 2 whether you wanted it or not, but now you can use an existing web server, either Apache, IIS, or Oracle's HTTP Server.

It's now using PHP 5.1.6, the latest OCI8 extension (Oracle's PHP driver), and Oracle Instant Client. This stack has a native installer, and it's available on Linux, AIX, Solaris and Windows.

You can get complete details on the package from this page on the Zend webstite including highlights and the system requirements to get it up and running.

tagged: zend core oracle release stack native installer zend core oracle release stack native installer


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