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Got a job you want the Community to know about? Let us post it!
Sep 08, 2006 @ 12:50:16

Here on PHPDeveloper.org, we're always trying to do whatever we can to help out the PHP community, so to further that effort we're going to start posting a weekly "jobs roundup" of the job information we recieve. There won't be a charge and it can be anything from contract jobs out to permenant positions anywhere in the world (hooray for the internet!).

Now, on to what we need from you - we'd prefer the information to be as concise as possible. Cut and paste of a full listing isn't the way to go here. We'd prefer the summary of the position with a link to more details.

Here's the key info we'd like:

  • Company Name
  • Position title
  • Position location
  • Summary description of the position
  • A link to more information on it (on Monster, Hotjobs, your site, etc.)
Other information included along with the request might me truncated or modified slightly to fit within these guidelines.

To submit your job information, send it along to jobs@phpdeveloper.org and we'll get it posted and include the phrase "JOB POSTING" somewhere in the subject line. Since this will start off as a weekly thing, you'll need to wait until Friday to see the information show up.

tagged: job post weekly roundup email summary link location title job post weekly roundup email summary link location title


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