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PHP-Tools Blog:
XJConf for PHP
Sep 06, 2006 @ 01:28:04

On the PHP-Tools Blog, there's a new posting about a new library for PHP based off of the original XJConf and ported over to make XJConf For PHP.

XJConf allows you to map complex XML documents to data structures by defining the mapping rules in a simple XML-based language. You may define the type for each tag (objects, arrays, primitives) as well as how its attributes, child elements and enclosed character data should be treated. When creating objects, you may also define the setter methods to nest the objects.

There are examples and documentation if you'd like to give it a try and, when you're ready, you can grab it from their PEAR channel or http://svn.xjconf.net/XJConfForPHP/

tagged: xjconf map complex xml document language xjconf map complex xml document language


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