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Aaron Wormus' Blog:
Rasmus on FLOSS Weekly with Chris DiBona and Leo Laporte
Aug 13, 2006 @ 22:36:45

On Aaron Wormus' blog, there's a note about a new podcast interview with everyone's favorite language creator, Rasmus Lerdorf by Chris DiBona and Leo Laporte.

Our favorite BDFL talks about PHP on the most recent issue of FLOSS Weekly. Nice easy-going discussion about the genesis of PHP as well as other related technologies.

Aaron also mentions some of the "interesting tidbits" that he picked up while listening. Their talk includes the history of PHP, the status of how the project stands today, and what the future holds for it.

You can download the episode here.

tagged: podcast interview floss weekly dibona laporte mp3 podcast interview floss weekly dibona laporte mp3


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