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Using Zend framework Components In CakePHP
Aug 08, 2006 @ 11:36:41

php|architect has posted a new article on its A/R/T article repository today, a tutorial spotlighting the use of Zend Framework components inside of the CakePHP framework.

In this article I describe how to use Zend framework components in a CakePHP application by means of building a very simple CakePHP application using Zend_Service_Flickr, a component for accessing the Flickr web services.

The author, Daniel Hofstetter, leads the reader through the creation of the sample Flickr application in CakePHP. Using the vendor() functionality, they integrate the Zend_Service functionality with the Flickr abilities built-in. A few simple lines later and you'll be pulling images up quickly.

With that working, he moves on to a third iteration of things, making a more flexible solution to allow for the inclusion of more than just the one script inside a helper automatically.

tagged: zend framework cakephp using components zend framework cakephp using components


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