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Daniel Hofstetter's Blog:
Use components from the Zend Framework with CakePHP
Jun 23, 2006 @ 13:17:34

On the Cake Baker blog today, Daniel Hofstetter has posted a (very) quick look at how you can use the modules from the popular Zend Framework from inside of CakePHP.

I am sure you already heard about the Zend framework. It provides some nice components (don't confuse them with Cake components) for which there are no equivalents in the core of CakePHP. Due to the flexibility of CakePHP it is relatively easy to use these Zend components within a CakePHP application (be aware that the Zend Framework requires PHP5).

In five easy steps she shows how to grab the files you'll need, where to place them, how to make a simple wrapper around them, and make it usable by the CakePHP framework. Easy as that - CakePHP has the built-in capability to support modules other than their own. All it takes is the right wrapper settings.

tagged: zend framework cakephp components include wrapper zend framework cakephp components include wrapper


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