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Marcus Whitney's Blog:
A/R/T Is Seeking Columnists
Jun 19, 2006 @ 18:44:58

Marcus Whitney has a quick note today on his blog about php|architect's search for columnists to write for their A/R/T article repository.

Just a heads up to all you incredible PHP writers out there. I am actively looking for columnists to contribute to A/R/T on a weekly, bi-weekly and monthly basis. If you want to get lots of paid experience as a technical writer, contact me at marcus-AT-phparch.com. Thanks.

Check out some of the current articles already posted there to get an idea of what they're looking for - things like Writing an Ajax-based Visual Rating System with PHP and An Overview of the CakePHP Framework.

tagged: a/r/t columnists writing paid article repository a/r/t columnists writing paid article repository


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