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Hasin Hayder's Blog:
FeedPHP is going to be the largest PHP News Source
Jun 15, 2006 @ 11:04:11

Hasin Hayder has a new note on his blog today about a new site he's developed to aggregate the feeds from other PHP-related sites and blogs as well as a few on other topics as well.

FeedPHP is a free RSS aggregator which collects feed, parse and display the titles with a link back to the original source. The whole site is a single page with mod_rewrite tricks.

For performance, the contents are cached for several minutes, otherwise my site will be convicted for consuming excess bandwidth from those sites. Moreover, the site will be extremely slow for consuming remote contents frequently. Output buffering is used to serve contents quickly.

There is definitely tons of content here, but my only complaint is that it seems to load each section a bit slow, especially for cached data? Other than that, it's a great resource for an overview of what's happening in the PHP (and related) communities.

tagged: feed community resource rss aggregator mod_rewrite feed community resource rss aggregator mod_rewrite


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