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Alternatives to LAMP
Jun 02, 2006 @ 18:05:28

The LAMP package (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is great for a lot of the developer world out there, but sometimes needs change and people (and their software) just need to adapt to a different environment. It's nice to know, though, that there are good alternatives to these four pieces of software and this new article from Informit.com will put you in tune with them.

Most Free Software users are familiar with the Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP stack—the LAMP configuration—a widely deployed set of software used for a large number of Internet and intranet applications. Although the LAMP configuration is the most frequently used, it's not always the best tool for any given job. This article proposes some alternatives.

Here's some of the alternatives they mention:

  • Linux - OpenBSD, Solaris, FreeBSD, and NetBSD
  • Apache - LightTPD, Yaws, and Tux
  • MySQL - PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Apache Derby
  • PHP - CGI/FastCGI, Seaside/Smalltalk, Ruby on Rails, GNUstepWeb
For each of the alternative technologies, they mention briefly what it is and how it can be use to replace that one of the "final four".

tagged: alternatives lamp apache mysql linux adapt alternatives lamp apache mysql linux adapt


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