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Jim Plush's Blog:
The Event Driven Mobile Application on Minimo
Jun 02, 2006 @ 10:46:20

Jim Plush has an interesting post today (complete with a video) about a project he's worked up for sending messages to remote devices via a web connetion and a JSON encoded message.

I have my PDA resting on my laptop and on my laptop I have firefox open with a local PHP page. The PHP page has a couple checkboxes that when clicked and the submit button pressed will actually open up a socket connection to the IP address I specified in the text field above. The script then sends a JSON encoded event string of data. That string gets read in by a custom minimo/firefox extension I wrote that listens on a particular port for incoming connections, reads in any data sent then forwards that on to user land javascript. By user land javascript I mean javascript written on a regular webpage, not in the extension itself.

The video linked to in the post shows more clearly how this functionality works, and also includes a bit more detail on the whole process, including a graphical representation of how the entire process works. Ajax wasn't actually used to send the message in this particular application - it's all just made with regular sockets.

tagged: event driven mobile application socket json form event driven mobile application socket json form


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