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Davey Shafik's Blog:
Join the Thinktank
Apr 13, 2006 @ 16:01:49

In an effort to create a higher level of discussion on PHP than just the "why is this erroring?" or "how do I get PHP to..." questions, Davey Shafik has started a new channel over on the Freenode IRC network to futher talks about PHP and not just fixing other peoples errors.

Now, I really love helping people, but it's nice to get something back once in a while. So, I've decided to start a spin-off channel, one that does promote the things I want to talk about - and hopefully others do to. Join #php.thinktank on irc.freenode.net and lets talk about things.

The goal of the channel is to foster talks about topics such as design patterns, emerging PHP concepts, working on the bleeding edge, and new ways of doing old things. The channel is already set up and running smooth with users constantly around (though they might be just lurking), so come on over and join in.

tagged: irc channel freenode network ideas thoughts suggestions irc channel freenode network ideas thoughts suggestions


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