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PHP Kitchen:
Seagull Gets Top Marks in Recent Framework Comparison
Mar 21, 2006 @ 13:19:55

In a new post on PHPKitchen.com, Demian Turner notes that the framework he's a developer on, Seagull, recieved high marks in a recent comparison of 10 PHP frameworks.

Thanks to Daniel Pallet over at http://www.phpit.net/ for his recent article comparing 10 PHP frameworks. It's a pleasant surprise that based on the checkmarks for features marking scheme, Seagull came out with the top score. A lot of complaints from the other contestants "you didn't give me credit for this" - I guess visibility of features is an important feature in itself.

There's also mention of the renewed effort to bring the documentation and tutorials offered for the framework up to date with the latest stable release - version 0.6.

tagged: framework seagull top marks comparison phpit.net framework seagull top marks comparison phpit.net


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