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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Rasmus Lerdorf - Web 2.0's John Wayne
Mar 01, 2006 @ 13:19:20

In the latest entry on the SitePoint PHP Blog, Harry Fuecks has posted that points out a new tutorial from Rasmus.

The tutorial, the no-framework PHP MVC framework, uses a good combination of PHP and Javascript to seperate out the backend logic of the system from the controller and output from the resulting scripts. He provides all of the code and a few illustrations along the way to help you understand how the code should flow. There's even an example app to play with to see how it will all come out.

Harry has also included a few "highly-quotable Rasmus" bits in his post and suggests that Rasmus is Web 2.0's "John Wayne"...

tagged: sitepoint rasmus lerdorf no-framework MVC framework sitepoint rasmus lerdorf no-framework MVC framework


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