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How to - Backup MySQL database & email results using PHP
Feb 17, 2006 @ 13:06:03

From Sematopia.com today, there's a quick example of how to backup a MySQL database and email results with the help of a bit of PHP.

There are a bunch of scripts on the Internet that overly complicate the issue of automatically backing up your database. Here is a PHP script I wrote to backup a mysql database and email the results. Just set a cron job (/etc/crontab) to run this script with the following command: php dbBackUp.php

You can either copy and paste the code from the post or download a copy. It uses the PEAR Mail and Mail_Mime packages to do a lot of the work, so you'll need those installed before it will cooperate.

tagged: backup mysql database email results PEAR Mail Mime_Mail backup mysql database email results PEAR Mail Mime_Mail


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