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Sending Email with AJAX - Developing the Client-Side Application Layer
Jan 31, 2006 @ 13:04:50

DevArticles has posted part two of their "Sending Email with Ajax" series today, this time discussing the development of the client side of things.

Welcome to part two of the series “Sending email with AJAX.” In three parts, this series goes through the making of a simple web-based email application. It uses AJAX as the driving technology for fetching the files responsible for sending email from the server, as well as for adding and updating contacts.

Building on the previous part, they create a few more modules - an "email sender", "contact listing", "contact insertion", and a function to get things started - initializeEmailClient. The next part of the series will wrap things up, making the server side of things to actually do the work of sending the emails...

tagged: ajax client-side application send email ajax client-side application send email


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