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Release of PHP 4.4.2RC2 Release Candidate
Jan 05, 2006 @ 12:50:49

According to this post on Nexen.net today, the latest release candidate in the PHP 4.4.x series has been posted - PHP 4.4.2RC2.

PHP 4.4.2 has a new Release Canidate version, so grab it and test your applications before the next release. To test, there are some simple steps for each platform, and it's included with the PHP distribution.

They also point out that Marcus Borger has created a new site off of php.net for the "Code coverage analysis" tool, a resource that shows the measurements of the coverage of the tests provided by PHP.

tagged: release candidate 4.4.2RC2 gcov.php.net coverage analysis release candidate 4.4.2RC2 gcov.php.net coverage analysis


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