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Henri Bergius' Blog:
Looking at the PHP workflow options
Dec 16, 2005 @ 13:06:11

In his latest post follows his look into the world of PHP workflow software - things that help keep you on track with development and the work that needs to be done - and how they're going to approach it in their PHP app (<a href="http://www.openpsa.org/>OpenPsa).

We have recently been contracted to develop a new workflow engine on top of OpenPsa to support different pharmacovigilance and drug regulatory processes from the viewpoint of a drug manufacturer.

Since workflow is a big topic, it would be great to be able to share some of the development efforts with other PHP-based applications. Galaxia is a PHP workflow system that is shared between projects like TikiWiki and a list mentioned of things that the workgroup creation process should follow, and that Galaxia Workflow looks quite nice...

tagged: workflow option galaxia tikiwiki xaraya workflow option galaxia tikiwiki xaraya


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