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SimpleTest 1.0.0 on Pearified.com
Dec 01, 2005 @ 13:19:04

Via this note on RandomStrings (the blog from KillerSoft.com) today, there's a note about the latest version of their SimpleTest package being released.

Just a quick note to say that Pearified.com isn't dead in the water: I put up a release of SimpleTest 1.0.0 last night. Now that I've moved and mostly unpacked and gotten settled, I plan to be updating several of the packages I have on Pearified.com soon, as well as adding some new ones. Stay tuned!

SimpleTest is a lightweight framework for unit testing, web site testing, and mock objects for PHP 4.2.0+

tagged: pear killersoft simpleText 1.0.0 release pear killersoft simpleText 1.0.0 release


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