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Using WordPress as a Content Management System (Part 2)
Nov 14, 2005 @ 12:32:38

PHPit.net has posted PArt 2 in their "Using WordPress as a Content Management System" series today.

Welcome to part 2 of Using WordPress as a Content Management System series, where in I show you how to use WP as a CMS. In the previous part I have shown you how templates and plugins work, and I talked a little about a few common problems when using WP as a CMS.

This part will be a hands-on guide on how to convert a base install of WP to a fully functional CMS. I will guide you through the steps necessary, complete with code snippets and helpful tips. The only thing I won't talk about is design issues. In this tutorial I'm just going to use the standard WP design, but you can easily use your own design.

Just like before, they walk you through everything, with plenty of PHP code and clear explainations abounding. They wrap it up in this part, making for a simple, clean result - a Wordpress system capable of working just like a CMS.

tagged: wordpress cms phpit.net wordpress cms phpit.net


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