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PHPCommunity Gazette, Edition 3 Posted!
Nov 11, 2005 @ 03:45:02

lunatech has pointed out to us that the latest edition of the PHP Community Gazette has been published - Edition 3.

Please give a hearty welcome to the delayed, but information-packed third edition of the PHPCommunity Gazette.

The first article is an introduction to Pear::Validate package, with an example on how you can use it for validating emails. The next article shows you the different ways to slice an array, to diff between two arrays and other nifty array operations. This is the first time that we have the polish translations of two previous articles on image manipulation (thanks to Jacek Barcikowski for the hard work). Next is an article introducing you to the basics of MySQL administration. Finally, you have the regular column 'Threads of Interest' which picks up three interesting discussions from various mailing list.

There is some great content here, especially the "Threads of Interest" article that looks at various message board threads around the web for cool PHP-related topics...

tagged: community gazette community gazette


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