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Featured Editor IDE - PHP Designer (and Interview)
Aug 04, 2005 @ 11:10:29

Stuart submitted a new story today about an interview over on php-editors.com with the creator of the PHP Designer IDE - Michael Pham.

Whether you're an experienced web professional or just a novice starting writing your first PHP script, php designer 2005 is a free php editor designed to provide you with the complete set of tools you need for accelerating your process with coding php.

The article goes on, lisitng some of the features of the IDE and a bit more of an overview of the project. They then get into the actual interview part of it with questions like "What's been your biggest challenge creating php designer?" and "What's planned for future versions?".

So, if you're a user of PHP Designer already, check out the interview for a look at the developer, and, if you're out there looking for a good Windows-based IDE for PHP, check out their site for more information...



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