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Alan Knowles' Blog:
Of Silly Acronyms and XUL World Domination
May 28, 2005 @ 10:55:01

On Alan Knowles' weblog today, there's this new posting with a bit of a comparison of a few of the more "buzzword" web applications right now - AJAX, REST, etc.

The highlight of this week was Sean's post describing how to use a Firefox extension to hide posts on planet-php, While I dont really agree with him that the ability to hide stuff is usefull (There's a scroll button on the right of the browser baby...!), It would far better if it would replace the current moronic acronyms being used by the PHP community...t's become like reading badly written code. The author makes up short names for everything, then 3 years later, it's gone out of fashion, and no-one has a clue what they where talking about (I clean floors with Ajax!)

He also talks some about XUL and some of the problems that IE currently has with it.

So beware, this blog may turn XUL only one day....... on our murder IE campaign...



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