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Community News:
Critical Drupal Security Vulnerability Announced
Mar 29, 2018 @ 14:13:19

The Drupal project has announced a critical security vulnerability in the currently supported versions of the popular CMS: Drupal 7 and 8 (as well as v6). The announcement on the main Drupal site details the issues and provides a link to an FAQ with more detail about the issue.

A remote code execution vulnerability exists within multiple subsystems of Drupal 7.x and 8.x. This potentially allows attackers to exploit multiple attack vectors on a Drupal site, which could result in the site being completely compromised.

[...] Drupal 8, 7, and 6 sites are affected. According to the Drupal project usage information this represents over one million sites or about 9% of sites that are running a known CMS according to Builtwith.

The issue could allow an attacker to take full control of the application and execute whatever code they'd want to on the server. They recommend upgrading immediately to safeguard your Drupal application. They also provide links to a guide on what to do if you are hacked and to the Drupal 6 patch (as well as steps you can take if you can't upgrade).

tagged: drupal cms vulnerability security announcement upgrade

Link: https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2018-002

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