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Zend Framework Blog:
Using Laravel Homestead with Zend Framework Projects
Feb 07, 2017 @ 21:13:25

On the Zend Framework blog there's a new tutorial posted showing you how you can get Laravel Homestead and Zend Framework playing nicely together. Fortunately it's relatively easy to get set up with these two technologies, it "just works".

Laravel Homestead is an interesting project by the Laravel community that provides a Vagrant box for PHP developers. It includes a full set of services for PHP developers, such as the Nginx web server, PHP 7.1, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Memcached, Node, and more.

One the most interesting features of this project is the ability to enable it per project. This means you can run a vagrant box for your specific PHP project. In this post, we'll examine using it for Zend Framework MVC, Expressive, and Apigility projects. In each case, installation and usage is exactly the same.

They walk you through the download of the Homestead Vagrant box and the vagrant-hostsupdater package to help with renaming the application's local hostname. An example Homestead configuration is included as well as information on how to test and ensure your setup is working as expected.

tagged: laravel homestead zendframework apigility

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-02-07-laravel-homestead.html

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