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Latest PECL Releases (01.24.2017)
Jan 24, 2017 @ 14:05:02

Latest PECL Releases:

  • swoole 2.0.6
    - Fixed http client and redis client conflicts

    • Fixed the coroutine client cannot use the SplQueue on PHP5
  • swoole 1.9.5
    - Fixed taskWaitMulti special case of file descriptor leak problem - Added pid_file option to write the master PID to file - Added listen random port support, OS will automatically be assigned an available port - Removed DNS cache, removed swoole_clear_dns_cache function - Added use_async_resolver option to enable real async-io DNS lookup
  • imagick 3.4.3RC3
    - Fixes: * Correct file permissions in built package.
  • SeasLog 1.6.9
    - Fixed issue #113 setBastPath. - Fixed PHP --re seaslog result.
  • zookeeper 0.3.1
    Bugs: - Fix memory leak in method getChildren (Thanks to hulk<hulk.website@gmail.com>, PR #5) - Fix memory leak in method create (Thanks to Lin Huang, PR #6)
  • pcs 1.3.3
    * Fix issue #8 : 1.3.2 missing file in archive * Fix compile warning in PHP 5.x
  • pcs 1.3.2
    - Fix issue #6 : pcs breaks spl_autoload_* function
  • trace 1.0.0
    ### Added
    • Add support for Linux environment ptrace
    • Add support for MacOS
    • Add filter by url/class/function name
    • Add limit ouput count


    • Refactoring extensions and tool-side information interaction
    • Optimize format and color of the output
    • Remove unused messages such as wall_time?memory records
    • Improve display status module
  • imagick 3.4.3RC2
    - Fixes: * Imagick::getRegistry() now throws an exception if the key does not exist, rather than terminating the program. * Prevent attempts to resize image to zero width or height, which is not supported by ImageMagick. * Fix compiling on Windows issue. - Added: * function Imagick::setImageAlpha() which replaces Imagick::setOpacity()
  • mongodb 1.2.3
    ** Bug * [PHPC-855] - Assertion failure in stream_not_found() after failed getmore operation * [PHPC-856] - Build errors using bundled libbson and system libmongoc * [PHPC-872] - Do not use system crypto policy for OpenSSL on Windows * [PHPC-878] - php_json_serializable_ce missing in PHP versions before 5.5.10 and 5.4.26 * [PHPC-879] - php_date_get_immutable_ce missing in PHP versions before 5.6.8 and 5.5.24 * [PHPC-881] - Windows CA stores should be opened with read-only flag * [PHPC-883] - BSON array keys should be disregarded during visitation * [PHPC-884] - Public property with zero-length name ignored during BSON encoding * [PHPC-885] - Alphabetize Regex flags when instantiating from BSON * [PHPC-886] - Always recalculate field name length when encoding BSON * [PHPC-891] - BSON encoding should throw if PHP keys contain null bytes

    ** Improvement * [PHPC-635] - WriteResult debug handler should return objects * [PHPC-873] - Do not allow mixing bundled and system libbson and libmongoc libraries

    ** Task * [PHPC-633] - Add lines to phpinfo() output regarding support for SSL and SASL * [PHPC-714] - Implement BSON corpus test suite * [PHPC-890] - Add license header to source files



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