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SitePoint PHP Blog:
An Overview of PHPUnit 5 – What’s New? What’s Coming?
May 10, 2016 @ 14:24:37

On the SitePoint PHP blog there's an article posted talking about the next major version of the PHPUnit unit testing tool - PHPUnit 5. It talks about what's new, what's changed and what has been added to help make your testing more effective.

It was January 2016 when the PHPUnit development team [announced](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/wiki/Release-Announcement-for-PHPUnit-5.0.0) the release of PHPUnit 5.0.

While several minor version have already been released since, PHPUnit’s major version 5 has introduced several new functionalities and deprecated a few others. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most notable changes.

Included in the list of changes the article mentions are things like:

  • the bump up the minimum PHP version requirements (5.6+)
  • new assertion methods
  • deep object cloning
  • passing mocks along with expectations

Several more are included and, with each some code examples or links to other resources for more information.

tagged: phpunit5 overview preview release features changes update

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/an-overview-of-phpunit-5-whats-new-whats-coming/

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