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Latest PECL Releases (03.08.2016)
Mar 08, 2016 @ 14:05:01

Latest PECL Releases:

  • xattr 1.3.0
    - drop support for PHP older than 5.3

    • use glibc instead of libattr
    • allow to manage attributes in all namespaces
    • more tests
  • fann 1.1.0RC1
    * Added support for PHP 7 * Fixed issue #15: Incorrect path permission check
  • v8js 1.2.0
    - allow to pass generators from PHP to JS and vice versa

    Merge improvements from V8Js for PHP 5.x (version 0.5.0) to PHP 7.0 branch:

    • Export public methods on classes derived from V8Js to V8
    • Support V8 compiled with external snapshots
    • Allow to create custom snapshots of V8 heaps
    • Allow to create V8 contexts based on custom snapshots generated earlier
    • Support V8 5.1 well
  • v8js 0.5.0
    - Export public methods on classes derived from V8Js to V8 - Support V8 compiled with external snapshots - Allow to create custom snapshots of V8 heaps - Allow to create V8 contexts based on custom snapshots generated earlier - Support V8 5.1 well
  • xdebug 2.4.0
    Thu, Mar 03, 2016 - xdebug 2.4.0

    = Fixed bugs:

    • Fixed issue #1258: Case in PHP 7.0 and code coverage
    • Fixed issue #1261: segmentation fault in xdebug.so with PHP 7.0 version of 'pkgtools' due to spl_autoload()
    • Fixed issue #1262: overload_var_dump=0 messes with xdebug_var_dump()
    • Fixed issue #1266: xdebug_dump_superglobals() always dumps empty stack on PHP 7
    • Fixed issue #1267: AIX build issues
    • Fixed issue #1270: String parsing marked not covered with PHP 7
  • mongodb 1.1.3
    * Skip PHPC-545 test on HHVM due to __pclass encoding order * PHPC-613: toJSON() should throw if bson_as_json() fails * PHPC-615: Return after throwing for bson_reader_read() error * PHPC-616: Document and array visitors should throw for corrupt BSON * PHPC-531: Fix double free in corrupt BSON visitor * Fixed PHPC-506: Use more descriptive messages in WriteExceptions * PHPC-414: Combine 32-bit and 64-bit UTCDateTime debug handler tests * PHPC-593: Binary type is an unsigned 8-bit integer * PHPC-594: Timestamp components are unsigned 32-bit integers * PHPC-595: Throw exception if wtimeout > INT32_MAX * PHPC-544: Use phongo_long in UTCDateTime ctor * PHPC-544: Consult SIZEOF_ZEND_LONG for 64-bit integer support * PHPC-592: ADD_ASSOC_STRINGL() can only be used with string literals * PHPC-545: Regression test for Peristable bug report * PHPC-550: Always encode ODS field when serializing Persistable documents * PHPC-581: Use ConnectionTimeoutException for server selection failures * PHPC-582: Manager::selectServer() should select exception class based on bson_error_t * PHPC-553: Relax expected output patterns for HHVM * PHPC-553: Check for connection exceptions in exec and SS methods * PHPC-553: Suppress warnings during stream creation * PHPC-566: Remove request_id from Manager::__debugInfo() * PHPC-567: Bump config.m4 library deps * PHPC-567: Upgrade libbson and libmongoc to 1.3.3 * PHPC-523: Parse readconcernlevel in URI options array * PHPC-563: Remove undocumented Manager "hosts" URI option * PHPC-539: Include read concern in Query debug output * PHPC-519: Add missing modifiers to final class methods * PHPC-538: ObjectID should not abort on null ctor arg * PHPC-515: Test that negative cursor limits return one batch * Fixed PHPC-543: MongoDBBSONUTCDateTime on 32 bit platforms parse argument wrong * Fixed PHPC-558: Upgrade libmongoc and libbson to 1.3.2
  • imagick 3.4.0
    No changes from 3.4.0RC6.
  • eio 2.0.0RC2
    - Fix: removed extra memory allocations - PHP7: eio_custom now throws Exception in ZTS builds, because Zend API is inaccessible from a custom thread in ZTS PHP7 builds (there is a lack of Zend API to access TSRM thread-local data from a user thread). Some extensions(particularly, pthreads) invent their own(rather hacky) ways to overcome the problem. However, IMHO, this should be implemented within Zend API itself.
  • swoole 1.8.2
    - Added http2 supports for swoole_http_server - Added swoole_server->stop method used to stop the worker process - Added log_level option for swoole_server settings - Fixed swoole_websocket_server receives data over the issue 64K crashes - Added multi-port monitor is not set callback function causes the program to crash - Enhance the SSL/TLS encrypted safety level, now used by default TLS1.2/ECDHA_RSA encryption algorithm - Fixed onFinish event callbacks memory leak problem - Fixed the problem task finish can not be used under BASE mode
  • smbclient 0.8.0
    - Promoting to stable after almost 3 months with no commits needed.
  • zip 1.13.2
    - Update bundled libzip to 1.1.2 (Remi, Anatol) - Fixed bug #71561 (NULL pointer dereference in Zip::ExtractTo) (Stas) - Format string fixes (Nikic) - Remove TSRMLS_* from code, they are not used anymore (Stas) - Fixed incorrect usage of HASH_OF() macro. (Dmitry)


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