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Zend Blog:
Running a PHP Cluster on AWS
Dec 24, 2015 @ 16:33:17

On the Zend Blog they've posted a new guide showing you how to create a PHP cluster in AWS using the Zend Server software to help make things easier.

Running a cluster of PHP servers on AWS can be a complex task to say the least, and in this article we will look into the various tasks involved in managing a PHP clustered environment. We will look into why it can be a complex and tricky task and how Zend Server help alleviate the pain involved.

They start by introducing the guidelines of the challenge, easily creating the set of PHP nodes with simpler maintenance abilities, monitoring and session sharing included. While this isn't a step-by-step guide per-se, it does give you a good idea of some of the technology needs around clustering PHP instances (and how Zend Server (Cluster) helps solve some common issues). This includes screenshots of the interfaces used for these common tasks like:

  • Upgrading and synchronizing PHP code
  • Propagation of changes in PHP configuration
  • Monitoring of PHP log and events
  • PHP sessions sharing
tagged: zendserver zend guide aws amazonwebservices cluster zendservercluster

Link: http://blog.zend.com/2015/12/22/running-a-php-cluster-on-aws/#.Vnv0ypMrLyI

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