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SitePoint PHP Blog:
PHP Summer Camp 2015 Review
Sep 04, 2015 @ 15:55:15

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted an article from editor Bruno Skvorc reviewing the latest edition of the PHP Summer Camp conference that recently happened in Croatia.

You’re standing on a long pier, the last ten meters of which curiously belong to international waters despite being well inside the current country’s territory. As you climb the meter-high rock wall that forms a small barrier towards the west, you’re able to witness the sun dipping into the sea, far in the distance. Soft waves caress the rocky surface below your feet, bobbing the sea urchins and fish to and fro. There are other people there, each immersed in their own thoughts. No, that’s not a Dungeons and Dragons session starting. It’s the end of a great conference of workshops in Rovinj, Croatia, in the same spirit as [last year’s](http://www.sitepoint.com/phpsummercamp-review).

The PHP Summer Camp was made up of three tracks - two general PHP and one related just to eZ Publish. Bruno starts with a few of the key take-aways that he learned at the event before getting into reviews of each workshop he attended. He goes through each one describing what the session was about and some of the good/bad aspects he noticed. He also shares a "technical realization" he though of during the event around the use of Vagrant and provisioning virtual environments for the attendees. Finally he covers some of the "extras" like the early morning "triathlon" and evening events.

tagged: phpsummercamp15 conference wrapup review event sessions workshops

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/php-summer-camp-2015-review/

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