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Product & Support:
Interview with Taylor Otwell
May 15, 2015 @ 14:09:33

The Product & Support site has posted an interview with Taylor Otwell, the creator of the Laravel framework. In it they talk about what Laravel is, how it treats users as "customers" and the community around it.

Taylor is the creator of Laravel, founder of Laravel Forge and founder of Envoyer . I spoke with him about open source software and making the transition to entrepreneurship.

Taylor also answers questions about the ecosystem around the framework (marketing, documentation, etc) and how its helped the popularity of the framework. He also shares a few things he might have changed if he could start over with Laravel, including features he feels are "overdone". They also talk about Taylor's move from a full-time job into being self-employed and how that works with two large open source projects to maintain. Check out the full interview for the answers to these and other questions.

tagged: taylorotwell interview laravel framework community envoyer forge

Link: http://productandsupport.com/taylor-otwell/

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