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Osedea Blog:
Speeding up your ZF2 application
May 11, 2015 @ 21:30:36

On the Osedea blog today there's a new post showing you a few ways you can speed up your Zend Framework 2 application with a few easy code changes.

After about a year developing a Zend Framework 2 application, we decided it was time to do some optimizations. Page load times were up to several seconds on our bigger pages, and none of our pages were loading in under 2 seconds. We took a few days to profile our application and scour the various ZF2 articles out there to see what could be done to reduce the load times. We found some pretty obvious causes as well as a few inconspicuous ones. Here’s a brief list of our findings, along with some steps on how to improve your ZF2 applications.

Their list includes updates around:

  • Standard vs Classmap Autoloading
  • Event Listeners
  • Making your Module.php "skinny"
  • Cache Settings
  • Session Write Close

Each tip includes a bit of code showing what will need to be changed, making it easy to drop them in and make your application nice and speedy.

tagged: zendframework2 application speed performance

Link: http://blog.osedea.com/2015/05/11/speeding-up-your-zf2-application/

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