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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
We Don't Know Deployment: A 4-Step Remedy
Apr 18, 2012 @ 16:20:52

In a new post to her blog Lorna Mitchell has written a beginner's guide to deployment for web based applications in response to a recent email from a reader.

I [replied to the email] with some suggestions (and my consulting rate) attached, and we had a little email exchange about some improvements that could fit in with the existing setup, both of the hardware and of the team skills. Then I started to think ... he probably isn't the only person who is wondering if there's a better way. So here's my advice, now with pictures!

She's broken it up into a few different sections to make it a bit more easily digestible:

  • A "starting point" where there's a development, staging and live environments
  • Using source control to manage code
  • Branching for effective coordination
  • Integration of automated deployment

She also mentions other "bonus points" like making a build server, documentation generation and Javascript/CSS minification.

tagged: deployment application process sourcecontrol branching automated


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