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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Missing pcre.h when installing pecl_oauth
Sep 27, 2010 @ 17:58:50

If you've ever come up against an error when trying to compile the pecl_oauth package (from the PECL repository), you might take a look at this new post from Lorna Mitchell on how she solved the issue and got the compile running smoothly again.

When I tried to install from PECL, it grabbed the files, ran the configure step but stopped with an error status during make. [...] Closer inspection showed this line around the point things started to go wrong: Error [...] pcre.h: No such file or directory. I didn't have the header files for pcre installed - in ubuntu the headers are in the -dev packages.

A quick call to "aptitude" to grab and install those development libraries and she was back up and running. She's running Ubuntu, but this tip is cross-distribution - you'll just have to use the package manager (and package name) of your distribution's choice.

tagged: pecloauth install compile pecl oauth pcre header


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