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Zend Developer Zone:
Five tips for speeding up Eclipse PDT and Zend Studio
Sep 09, 2010 @ 14:47:00

On the Zend Developer Zone there's a new post giving you five tips you can use to help speed up Eclipse PDT and Zend Studio if you happen to use one of those IDEs.

Eclipse Helios (3.6) includes an improved version of Eclipse PDT, labeled 2.2. It is also included in the current Zend Studio (7.1 and above). Among other enhancements, it dramatically improved the performance of code lookup-related tasks like searching references, creating a type hierarchy and even code completion.

Some of the recommendations have more to do with the system the IDE is running on, but they're helpful none the less:

  • Disable virus scanners
  • Use a fast storage device
  • Keep your JVM up to date
  • Delete the database if your experience problems
  • Do not backup the database
tagged: speed eclipse eclipsepdt zendstudio tips


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