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Ibuildings techPortal:
DPCRadio: Web services for consumer devices
Sep 07, 2010 @ 12:18:36

On the Ibuildings techPortal there's a new post with the latest episode in their DPCRadio series (as recorded at this past Dutch PHP Conference) - Melanie Rhianna Lewis' talk on web services and consumer devices.

A web service is an API provided by a site that allows a remote application to access data and use functionality without having to 'act like a web browser'. [...] The talk will describe how a web service targeted at consumer devices can be implemented. It will look at the different methods of calling remote functionality such as SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON and restful services. It will also consider the limitations of consumer devices, memory restrictions, communications bandwidth restrictions, and so on that have to be considered when designing a web service aimed at consumer devices. Finally it will have a brief look at how to make a service secure.

You can find the slides for the session here and you can either listen to the episode through the in-page player or buy downloading the mp3 directly.

tagged: dpcradio webservice consumer device cellphone soap xmlrpc json dpc10


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