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Zend Db 2.0 Kicks Off
Jun 28, 2010 @ 17:09:38

As is mentioned on the php|architect blog today (from Bill Karwin) the requirements gathering stage for the Zend_Db 2.0 version of the database component for the Zend Framework has started. Ralph Schindler has issued a document talking about some of the issues that have come up in the component's past.

Requirements have been solicited from both community members in various conversations, as well as looking through the issue tracker for feature requests that have been on the backlog due to potential BC breakage. This document reflects those ideas, and it’s now in a position where we’d like to start a discussion on the direction outlined inside it.

Suggested features include things like:

  • Pluggable architecture
  • Distinct abstractions
  • Addition of a Metadata sub-component
  • Better testability in the Unit Tests
  • Base Plugins / Type Converter
tagged: zenddb zendframework proposal requirement document


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