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Community News:
PHP Turns 15!
Jun 08, 2010 @ 13:53:33

Happy birthday to one of the web's most popular web scripting languages! As Johannes Schluter mentions in a new post to his blog, PHP turned 15 years od on June 8th - the day Rasmus first announced PHP 1.0.

I can't remember when I first went online. Out from the local BBS systems into the wide open net. It must have been around the same time. But soon I figured out that I needed my own homepage, so I created one, using black fonts on a green (#00ff00) background. I was proud. [...] My brother, who setup our Linux box at home but didn't know much about Apache, had the pragmatic solution: PHP worked. So what did I do? - Learn PHP. And I loved it.

Over fifteen years old now and still going strong, PHP has become one of the top five popular languages and his proven itself again and again in both web applications and in the sites of larger companies to be a reliable, robust solution and one that's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Here's a few other sites with thoughts on this milestone for PHP:

tagged: birthday rasmuslerdorf language


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