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Raphael Stolt's Blog:
Growling PHPUnit's test status
Jun 03, 2010 @ 16:26:37

Raphael Stolt has put together a guide showing how you can link PHPUnit and its test status to the Growl engine on OS X to share the results in a move visual way (than just watching the test runner).

Since I'm using PHPUnit more and more lately, especially in continuous testing sessions (sprints without hitting the continuous integration server), my dependence on a fast and more visual feedback loop rose. In this post I'll provide an easy solution that meets these requirements by utilizing PHPUnit's test listener feature.

He includes the code to attach the PHPUnit install to the Growl service via a custom listener that can give you a status of the tests from your most recent run (complete with color-coded feedback based on the results). With a few changes to the PHPUnit XML config file and link out to a script (stakeout.rb), he shows how to directly interface with Growl and includes a few screenshots on what the end result could look like.

tagged: growl phpunit integrate unittest runner


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